Features & Security
Continuous Data Backup

Any update to the files Vaulten backs them up in real-time. Vaulten’s backup solution simply backs up all the time so you never miss any changes made.
Multiple Device Backup
Vaulten could backup Servers, Laptops, Desktops under a single account. In addition, data from network drives can also be backed up.

Backup Data Locally

Vaulten allows user to keep a copy of the data on local hard drive for a faster recovery. User can define retention policy for keeping multiple versions in local copy backup.
Flexible Backup Schedules
Vaulten allows you to define flexible backup schedule in backing up your data. In general, it is recommended that a daily backup be performed for a server or desktop. For mission critical server, a backup schedule should be configured according to the requirement of your disaster recovery plan. You can define four types of schedule, i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Custom. You can also define multiple back up schedules for each backup set.

Multiple Sets

Vaulten supports the creation of multiple backup sets. For example, if a user intends to back up files, Microsoft Exchange database, and Microsoft SQL database on a server, you are able to create three dedicated backup sets, each with its own configurations
Flexible Retention Policy
The Retention Policy setting in VaultenPro allows a user to define how long the locally deleted files are going to be retained on the backup server. Besides, it is also used for defining how many legacy versions of a file needs to be kept.
When a backup job is performed, for data that are modified or deleted on the client computer, their existing version on the backup server (backed up previously) would be moved into the "retention area" on Vaulten OBS, while newly backed up file would be placed in the current data area.
Retention Policy setting defines how long are these data kept within the retention area before they are deleted permanently from the backup server.
For backed up data that have not been updated or deleted from the client computer, they are kept in the data area on the backup server and remain untouched

Advanced backup Filter
Vaulten comes with a comprehensive filtering tool for filtering the files that you really need to be included during backup.
The backup filter in Vaulten allows a user to create one or multiple backup filters for a specific backup set.
The following are some examples showing you how you can make use of this backup filter to achieve special backup needs.
Example: To backup only Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in the document directory (e.g. C:\My Documents), setup the backup filter as follows:
Top Directory = C:\My Documents Apply To = File (true)
Matching Type = End With
Matching Patterns = *.doc, *.xls, *.ppt
Filter Mode = Include
Exclude all others = True

Open file backup

Vaulten has been integrated with Microsoft's latest Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) framework. It allows you to back up files that are being opened in Windows without any additional applications or plug-ins.
In a typical office scenario, a .pst file which stores copies of many important emails is always accessed / locked by Microsoft Outlook. With VSS enabled, you can backup the .pst file with VaultenPro at anytime without closing Outlook and users are still able to access their emails
Bandwidth Throttling
Define the amount of bandwidth used all the time or between specified intervals. It’s all in your control, all of it.


The new multi-threading implementation in Vaulten can improve the backup and restoration speed to a great extent, especially for the client machines with multi-core CPUs, as they will create 2 threads per CPU's core during backup or restoration. For a client machine which has a quad-core CPU, 8 threads will be created during backup or restoration. That means the speed will be a lot faster than a single-threading operation.
Remote Manage
From any browser, access your backed up files, manage your backup set and its schedule,and view backup logs.

Stay Informed

Activity reports & backup status reports to keep you updated with your account status.
Totally Secured
‘Zero-Known Info’ Privacy
What it is & What it means to you
What, exactly, is Zero Known Info Privacy?
It means the server NEVER knows the text contents of the data being stored. Your data is never at risk of being compromised or abused by internal threats or external hackers.

Smart Encryption

Most online storage systems only encrypt data in transit - meaning the data on the server is visible and potentially at risk. With Vaulten, your data is fully encrypted end-to-end, meaning Files are encrypted in source, transfered securely using TLS (Transport Layer Security) and stored in the cloud in encrypted format and only you are able to unlock it using encryption key.
Even with physical access to the storage servers, Vaulten staff cannot see even the names of your files and folders.
Secured Data Centers & Cloud Storage
In addition to the security measures built into Vaulten software, backing up online to Vaulten Home—our cloud destination—offers the added protection of our state-of-the-art data storage facility. Your backup is stored in AWS with data centers located in many co-locations around the world.
In addition, power redundancy, climate controls and fire suppression systems guarantee very High availability and resistance to failure. The facilities themselves protects Vaulten's infrastructure from physical harm.

Unlimited Possiblities
Unlimited Cloud Backup
Vaulten is packed full of great features. It backs up everything; there is no limit on file size and file type. Vaulten is designed to be secure, encrypted and high performance.

On the Go

All of your data is always accessible through a web browser on any device- desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. You may restore a single file, a folder or all your backed up files.
Restore Options
Select what you need - whether it's a few files or all of your data. Restore easily and quickly in any of these ways:
- 1. Vaulten Apps
- 2. Web Interface
- 3. Data at your Door

Utilities Unmatchable
Initial Seed-Loading
As your backup data might be relative large, backup over the Internet might take a longer time to complete initially. We can help you Seed-Load the encrypted data onto portable hard-disks, transport the loaded hard-disks to our datacenter, and then import the data directly onto the backup server. This way, your initial full backup can be loaded to the backup server much faster than through the Internet which help you save money on bandwidth and Time on transferring.

Data To Your Door

If a data loss disaster happened and you need to restore all the backed up data, we can directly send encrypted data in hard-disks from our datacenter and deliver them to your door so that you are able to do restoration locally which is a faster than restore over the Internet and also save money and time.